The value of the freeze-substitution (FS) method for preparing tissues for electron microscopic immunohistochemistry was studied by comparing anterior pituitary cells prepared by this method and by a conventional method. Ultrathin sections of tissues embedded in Epon were subjected to immunostaining. The antigens adrenocorticotropin (ACTH) and prolactin (PRL) in a single ultrathin section were demonstrated by a simple double-labeling technique using a protein A-colloidal gold-antibody (pAG-Ab) complex. The preservation of cellular ultrastructure was superior in preparations obtained by FS. Gold-labeling was seen over secretory granules, and in ACTH cells also over the cytoplasmic matrix. The labeling was more intense in preparations obtained by FS, judging from the numbers of gold particles. In the double-labeling procedure, in which the pA-small colloidal gold-anti-PRL complex and pA-large colloidal gold-anti-ACTH complex were applied sequentially to sections, no cross-labeling with small and large gold particles was observed. It is concluded that if the antisera are sufficiently specific, the use of FS and the pAG-Ab complex is very effective in peptide immunohistochemistry. However, in the double-labeling procedure it is essential that the Fc-binding sites of pAG are saturated by the use of excess amounts of antibodies.