Inverted repeat nucleotide sequences in the genomes of Marek disease virus and the herpesvirus of the turkey.

The DNA of 2 herpesviruses, the oncogenic Marek disease virus and the serologically related herpesvirus of the turkey, were studied by EM. On the basis of fold-back molecules observed in single-stranded DNA from both viruses, structures were derived for the overall nucleotide sequence arrangement in their genomes. Although differing in MW, the genomes of Marek disease virus and turkey herpesvirus are both constructed according to the same plan, 2 regions of unique nucleotide sequence each enclosed by inverted repeat sequences. The genome structure of these viruses closely resembles that of herpes simplex virus rather than the biologically more similar Epstein-Barr virus, Herpesvirus saimiri and Herpesvirus ateles.