Beta-blocking and electrophysiological effects of propafenone in volunteers

The chemical structure of propafenone (P) and certain experimental findings suggest that this antiarrhythmic compound could possess beta-blocking properties. To evaluate the clinical relevance of the latter cardiovascular effects of P during exercise were studied. After oral administration of P 150 and 300 mg insolution, six healthy volunteers were subjected to graded exercise. These doses of P, which are usually effective against arrhythmias, decreased exercise-induced tachycardia, whereas the systolic blood pressure was lowered but only at rest, and the diastolic pressure was slightly raised. However, taking into account dose ratio, and the intensity and duration of the reduction in exercise tachycardia, this effect of P was only about 5|X% at its maximum compared to propranolol and similar active beta-blocking compounds. The reduction in heart rate produced by P was not correlated with the plasma level nor did it show dose dependency, in contrast to beta-blocking agents, and also in contrast to its electrophysiological effects on the PQ interval.