Skin potentials (SP) recorded from the extremities and genital regions in normal and impotent subjects

Skin potentials (SP) were evoked by peripheral nerve stimulation from the hands and feet of 41 and from the genital skin of 28 male, controls. The same methods were also applied in 10 functionally impotent cases, 32 diabetic impotent and 8 diabetic normopotent cases. The SP was easily obtained from all 3 sites in all normal subjects and in 10 functionally impotent cases. The SP recorded from the genital skin was either absent or abnormal in 53% of diabetic impotent cases with or without polyneuropathy, while the incidence of abnormalities encountered in the hand and/or foot recordings was 28%. In 8 diabetic normopotent cases the SP recorded from the genital and extremity skin were completely normal. SP recorded from the genital skin is a useful method of evaluating the autonomic-sympathetic dysfunction causing impotence, especially in patients who may have autonomic disorders either located in lumbosacral spinal cord and its efferents, or generalized autonomic-peripheral dysfunction.