Immunity in Hodgkin's disease: status after 5 years' remission

Immunological indices have been reassessed in 27 patients in remission from Hodgkin's disease for 5 years after treatment and the findings correlated with initial treatment and splenectomy status. Neutrophil counts were lower and lymphocyte and monocyte counts higher at 5 years' remission than at presentation, the increases in lymphocyte count were mainly a feature of the splenectomized patients. Neutrophil function (nitro-blue tetrazolium) was unchanged in remission but cellular immunity (leucocyte migration inhibition and lymphocyte transformation) was depressed at 5 years and progressive falls in serum immunoglobulins were noted. Low values of IgG and IgM were particularly found in patients who had splenectomy and chemotherapy, there was however no excess of infections in this small group.