Precise Determination of Nuclear Reaction Energies and Measurements of Resonance Widths

An electrostatic analyzer with a radius of curvature of 2 meters and a deflection angle of 90° has been constructed and evaluated. It is used to provide an ion beam whose energy is precisely known and highly resolved. The absolute energy calibration is believed to be accurate to ±0.05%, and the inherent energy resolution is 0.01% per 0.010 in. of input slit separation. Proton bombarding energies have been determined for (p, γ) reactions on F19 at 340.5±0.3 kev, 483.6±0.3 kev, 872.4±0.4 kev; Al27 at 992.4±0.5 kev; Ni58 at 1424.1±0.7 kev, 1843.7±0.9 kev; and C13 at 1747.6±0.9 kev. Resonance widths have been measured for these reactions. They are 2.4±0.3 kev, 0.9±0.1 kev, 4.5±0.3 kev, 100±50 ev, 50±50 ev, 100±50 ev, and 75±50 ev, respectively. The (p, n) thresholds have been determined for Li7 at 1881.2±0.9 kev and C13 at 3237.2±1.6 kev.

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