Maternal and neonatal morbidity in instrumental deliveries with the kobayashi vacuum extractor and low forceps

Risks to the mother and newborn associated with the use of the Kobayashi Silastic vacuum extractor (n = 293) were compared with those associated with the use of low forceps (n = 468) in a retrospective chart review. Third or fourth degree perineal tears and vaginal and cervical lacerations were all observed less frequently among women delivered with the vacuum extractor. The need for post-partum bladder catheterization was also reduced for these women. Babies born by the means of the vacuum extractor ran an increased risk of cephalhematoma and neonatal jaundice. No difference in major neonatal morbidity was observed between the two groups. The Kobayashi instrument appears to be a useful alternative to forceps in low vaginal instrumental deliveries.