Die direkte Gewinnung von Oligo-nucleotiden aus tierischem Gewebe. Nucleinsäuren VI

Calves thymus glands were boiled with 0.2% acetic acid and ground. Two kg. of the thymus paste were mixed with 2 1. H2O at 40[degree], and 36 g. dry beef pancreas powder in 0.5 1. H2O. The mixture was placed in a thermostat at 37[degree]. After 12-14 hrs., 75-85% of the total P of the thymus was in soln. The oligonucleotides were precipitated from the soln. with neutral Pb acetate, pH 6.5-7.0, and the precipitated Pb salt was decomposed with Na2S. From the alkaline soln. of the Na salt, the oligonucleotide was precipitated as the Mg salt. One kg. of thymus gave about 95 g. of the Mg salt of oligonucleotide, having the mol. wt. of a tetranucleotide and containing 5.6 g. organically bound P. Heating 1 kg. of the glands with about 0.75 1. of 10% NaOH for 10 min. gave 41 g. of the Na salt of a-nucleic acid, containing 2.9 g. organically bound P. If the heating was continued for 80 min., 52 g. of the Mg salt of b-nucleic acid containing 3.5 g. organically bound P was obtained. The b-acid consisted mainly of molecules with 10-40 mono-nucleotide units.

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