Effect of Heating on Water Soluble Biuret-Positive Compounds of Canned Cured Pork Picnic Shoulder

Protein solubility loss as a result of heat denaturation/coaguiation was followed by a ratio of extractable biuret positive compounds (EBPR). Extracts of water-soluble proteins were evaluated by isoelectric focusing (IEF) on polyacrylamide gels. Four heat treatments (60°C, 62.8°C, 65.6°C and 68.8°C) were employed in processing canned (No. 300×407) cured pork. Center cores from canned samples were ground for water soluble protein extraction utilizing a 1:3.3 meat-to-water ratio by high-speed blending (Sorvall Omni-mixer) for 1 min at 0–2°C, centrifuging 10 min at 27,000 ×g at 0–2°C and filtering (0.45–μa.m) with vacuum assist. Eight ml of the clear extract was re-heated in a glass tube for 15 min at 70°C, removed, and chilled (0–2°C) immediately. Coagulum was removed by filtration. EBPR was calculated from mg of protein/ml of initial muscle extract divided by mg of protein/ml of reheated extract for each temperature treatment. EBPR values were 1.75, 1.24, 1.13, and 1.10, respectively. Using 70°C as the cri...