Influents, effluents and sludges from sewage purification plants and surface water samples were examined quantitatively for Aeromonas hydrophila on the mA medium of Rippey and Cabelli. Between 10(4) and 10(6)/ml A. hydrophila were found in domestic wastewaters. On the average 99.975% were removed by activated sludge and 98.25% by trickling filters. Only 20.9% of A. hydrophila end up in the primary sludge, which contained up to 10(7)/g dry sludge. After 3 months, anaerobically (methane) fermented and partially dried sludge from trickling filters contained more than 10(6) A. hydrophila/g dry sludge. Surface water receiving raw sewage contained several hundreds of A. hydrophila/ml, comparable with the numbers found in effluent waters, while surface receiving no municipal wastewater and destined for the preparation of drinking water contained only small and negligible numbers. It was concluded that A. hydrophila was omnipresent in surface water.