Ionic Partial Molar Volumes of Alkali Halides in Methanol as Evaluated from the Sedimentation Potentials

Sedimentation potential (SP) measurements were carried out for solutions of alkali halides dissolved in methanol. With the SP data thus obtained, the partial molar volumes V2 of alkali halide MX, V2 (MX), were divided into cationic V2 (M+) and anionic V2 (X) parts. The ionic partial molar volumes evaluated showed a reasonable agreement with each other. These values of V2 (M+) and V2 (X) are numerically compatible with those reported earlier by Kawaizumi and Zana using the ultrasonic vibration potential method and those given more recently by French and Criss based on the apportionment of the estimated V2 value for the large complex [Ph4PBPh4] (J. Solution Chem., 11, 625 (1982).) The magnitude of the concentration dependence of SP was evaluated theoretically by expressing the apparent molar volume, the transport number, and the density of a solution as functions of the solute concentration.

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