Some effects of the sub-cutaoeous injection of between 150 and 350 mg of DL-ethionine, over a period of between 1 and 3 days, have been studied in the rat. The triglyceride content of the liver was increased to as much as 5 times the normal, whereas the phosphatide and cholesterol contents of the liver were essentially unchanged. The rise in liver-triglyceride concentration was greater in female than in male rats. The plasma-protein concentration was decreased to 75% of the normal level. The plasma-triglyce-ride, -phosphatide and -cholesterol concentrations were decreased to between 10 and 50% of the normal values. The plasma unesterified fatty acid concentration was approximately doubled. The rate of removal of injected C14-labelled chylomicron fatty acids from the circulation was decreased after ethionine treatment. The mean time of removal of 25% of an injected dose of 42 mg of esterified fatty acids rose from 2.5 min. (normal) to 20 min. (ethionine-treated). There was no marked effect of ethionine treatment alone on the percentage of labelled material deposited in the liver after the injection of C14-labelled chylomicron fatty acids. However, after feeding glucose to ethionine-treated animals, the uptake of label in the liver was decreased and that by the adipose tissue was increased. No significant effects of ethionine administration on the rise in the concentration of plasma esterified fatty acids during fat absorption or on the release of clearing-factor lipase into the blood after the intravenous injection of heparin were observed.

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