An Analysis ofAureobasidium PullulansDevelopmental Stages by Means of Scanning Electron Microscopy

Blastospores of Aureobasidium pullulans germinate within 4 h postinoculation on malt extract medium. Small amounts of mucilaginous material are present on the cell surface at this time. By 10 h post-inoculation further elongation of the germ tube has occurred, the mucilaginous material blankets most of the hyphae, and newly produced blastospores have appeared. “Spicules” connecting blastospores to parent hyphae developed after spore maturation. A truncate base of the blastospores appeared as a flattened projection at one or both ends, and was derived from part of the “spicule,” or connecting isthmus between spore and hypha. Some blastospores developed into swollen cells, swollen septate cells, or chlamydospores rather than germinating. The former two cell types produced new blastospores, while the latter became a resistant cell type characterized by a thick wall and large amounts of melanin deposits.