Russian spring-summer encephalitis (RSSE) multiplies readily in a Maitland type tissue culture medium, containing Tyrode''s soln., horse serum and minced tissue. A 10-3 [image] concn. of 2,6-diaminopurine (DAP) added to cultures containing minced mouse sarcoma 180 or mouse carcinoma 1025 as the tissue source, inhibited the multiplication of the virus. The growth of sarcoma 180 was somewhat affected by this concn. of DAP but this was not the case for carcinoma 1025. Inhibition also occurred when the tissue source was embryonic chick or mouse. At concns. of 10-5 [image] or less DAP, the effect on the virus was not pronounced. The inhibitory action of the DAP on viral multiplication could be completely blocked or reversed by adenine. Guanine was not effective.