Lifetime of the 78-keV Level ofP32

A mechanical-recoil method has been used to measure the lifetime of the 78-keV first excited state of P32. This state was populated near threshold by the Si29(He4,p)P32 reaction, using an enriched Si29 O2 target on the down-beam side of a thin copper backing, so that the P32 nuclei recoiled into vacuum. The 78-keV γ rays were detected, after passing the edge of a movable absorber, by a narrow rectangular Ge(Li) detector (2×2×20 mm). From the exponential curve of count rate vs absorber displacement, a value of τ=402±13 psec is found for this level. A similar measurement, using the F19(He4,n)Na22 reaction, gave an upper limit of τ26±6 psec for the 74-keV M1 transition from the 657-keV excited state of Na22.

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