We show that a laser beam, tuned in the transparency region of a direct-gap semiconductor, not only shifts but also splits the exciton levels. This splitting originates from the degeneracy of the valence band as the (σ+,σ) parts of the light are not similarly coupled to the various exciton components. In the case of a fourfold-degenerate valence band, we find that, at large detuning, the shifts of the (2×4) eightfold exciton are exactly the shifts of a (2+4) six-level atom. This is just the generalization of the simple band-structure case with one electron and one hole band in which the large detuning excitonic shift has the same value as that of the two-level (dressed) atom. We give the selection rules to observe the various shifted lines for typical pump-probe experiments. We also discuss the experimental conditions necessary to see an exciton red shift at the two-photon absorption threshold, when the molecular biexciton is stable.