Nonobservation of12Ccluster decay of114Ba

By means of the on-line mass separator at Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung, Darmstadt, we produced 114Ba through the 51Ni(58Ni,2n) reaction, separated it as a 114Ba19F+ beam, and implanted it into a stopper foil positioned in the center of an array of track detectors, which were used to search for 12C radioactivity of 114Ba. A total number of (5.4±1.7)×104 114Ba atoms were implanted. No 12C event was found after a total exposure time of 116 h, corresponding to a 58Ni beam dose of 1.3×1017. The resulting upper limit of 3.4×105 (84% C.L.) for the branching ratio for 12C decay of 114Ba is considerably lower than the limits obtained in previous experiments, which represents an inconsistency at levels of more than 90%. A semiempirical estimate of 19.3 MeV for the upper limit of the Q value for 12C decay of 114Ba is derived.