Maneuverability constraints for supervisory steering control

Real-time feedback algorithms proposed for supervisory steering control of robotic manipulators or autonomous vehicles are based on models of the system dynamics in the global coordinates of the workspace. On the other hand, the system dynamics and control limits are most easily specified in generalized coordinates directly related to the generalized degrees of freedom and torque/force inputs for the manipulator or vehicle. This paper concerns the mapping of the state and control variable constraints in the generalized coordinates into operating regions and acceleration limits in the global coordinates. The objective is to determine maneuverability constraints in the global frame which facilitate computationally tractable supervisory control algorithms while guaranteeing the feasibility of the desired controls. The paper defines the general steering control problem, describes a formal procedure for determining maneuverability constraints and discusses the application of the concepts to a two-degree-of-freedom manipulator. Several directions for future research are discussed in the concluding section.

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