Optical transition energies for lead-salt semiconductor quantum wells

The quantized states for electrons and holes confined in lead-salt semiconductor quantum wells (QW’s) grown on (100) and (111) substrates and the corresponding electric-dipole optical transition energies are calculated analytically, within the envelope function approximation and with the Dimmock two-band kp model for the bulk. The solution takes into account nonparabolicity, anisotropy, and break of valley and spin degeneracy, due to quantum confinement. Transition energies for different PbTe QW’s, calculated as a function of temperature and well width, are shown to give a fair description of the observations of the quantum size effect reported in the literature. Limitations of the spherical and of the parabolic approximations to the electronic structure of the lead-salt QW’s are made clear and the Rashba spin-orbit term in the effective Hamiltonian is derived.