Theoretical Investigations on the Light Scattering of Colloidal Spheres. VII. Dissymmetry in Unpolarized and Polarized Light

Light scattering of nonabsorbing colloidal spheres is calculated, on the basis of the Mie theory, for the angles of observation, γ, of 45° and 135°. The parameters considered are α = 0.2 (0.2) 15.2 and m = 1.20. The scattering ratio is derived for both angles, for both unpolarized and linearly polarized light. Numerical data are given for the dissymmetry in both unpolarized and polarized light. A graph is included for an easy, approximate calculation of dissymmetries at any m values within the range 1.00–1.25. The maxima and minima of light scattered at 45° and 135° and of the dissymmetry are discussed, and a simple equation is given for deriving the α values at which they occur if m→1.0. The results are compared with alternate ones derived from the Rayleigh‐Gans and Debye equations.