NbO molecule: ESR and optical spectra in inert matrices at 4 °K; establishment of its ground electronic state as 4Σ

NbO molecules, produced by the vaporization of a mixture of Nb metal and solid Nb2O5 or by passing O2 gas over hot Nb metal, were trapped in solid Ne or Ar at 4°K and investigated by ESR and optical spectroscopy. Analysis of the ESR spectrum established that the molecule has a 4Σ ground state (as derived from a σδ2 configuration) exhibiting large hyperfine (hf) splittings from interaction with the 93Nb (I=92) nucleus. Essentially all lines were accounted for as effectively ΔMI=0, ±1, and ±2 transitions (or as multiple trapping sites). Hyperfine and g tensor elements have the following values in a neon matrix: g=2.0023(10), g=1.9577(10) , |A(93Nb)|=1587(1) MHz, and |A(93Nb)|=1647(1) MHz . The magnetic parameter b ≅ 0.19 cm−1 found in the gas phase optical spectrum is here determined to be b =0.165(1) cm−1. These magnetic parameters are in accord with the expected electronic properties of NbO (assuming the A values are positive) and are compared with those of VO. Both Nb16O and Nb18O have been investigated by optical spectroscopy, and the spectra correlate well with gas phase data. The 4ΣX 4Σ blue system appears at 461.4 nm in a Ne matrix and contains several vibrational perturbations. At least five systems of bands appear between 530 and 740 nm. It is conjectured that the progression with (0,0) at 655.3 nm is a 4Σ←X 4Σ transition and that the remaining bands arise from a 4Π←X 4Σ system where the upper state is partially Hund's case (c) coupling. In the infrared the vibrational transition of NbO appears as a triplet at 965.5, 973.0, and 977.1 cm−1 in neon; a similar triplet was recently observed in argon by Green, Korfmacher, and Gruen.