Isozyme gene markers in Juglans species

Starch gel electrophoresis was employed to generate isozyme gene markers in Persian wainut, Juglans regia, and Northern California black wainut, J. hindsii. Two enzyme systems, glucose phosphate isomerase (GPI) and aspartate amino transferase (AAT), were useful for identification of these two species. Isozymes of these two enzyme systems in callus tissues and leaves from both juvenile and adult trees showed no differences. Genetic analysis revealed one GPI (Gpi-2) and two AAT loci (Aat-1 and Aat-2) that were simply inherited. Tests for linkage indicated independent assortment for both GPI and AAT loci in these wainut species. The significance and use of these enzyme loci in genetic improvement of wainut species is discussed.