Li7Quadrupole Moment. III

The electric-quadrupole moment Q of the Li7 nucleus has been calculated on the basis of the Wigner supermultiplet theory with configuration mixing that preserves the partition symmetry and LS coupling. The experimental value of Q can be obtained with an ad hoc mixture of configurations in which the p shell alone is excited and in which the ground configuration is predominant (65%). The linearly independent symmetrized seven-nucleon wave functions for the P22[4+3] states arising from the 1s31p31d configuration have been constructed and the matrix elements of Q evaluated. The experimental value of Q can be obtained with ad hoc mixtures of 1s41p3, 1s41p22p, 1s41p21f, and 1s31p31d in which the proportion of the ground configuration is over 85%. All of the electromagnetic and beta-decay properties of the A=7 nuclei are explained on this model.