Fragile Abyssal Foraminifera (Including New Komokiacea) from the Nares Abyssal Plain

The study of eight samples from the Nares Abyssal Plain has shown that the rhizopodan surface population of the area is dominated by forms with fragile, flexible tests. In this rarely reported component of the abyssal population we have identified twenty new species for which holotypes have been designated and figured: Arbor cuspidata, n. gen., n. sp.; A. floccularis, n. sp.; A. hispida, n. sp.; A. multiplex, n. sp.; Aschemonella composita, n. sp.; Cactos mollis, n. gen., n. sp.; Calos chalazius, n. gen., n. sp.; Catena piriformis, n. gen., n. sp.; Cerebrum coralliformis, n. gen., n. sp.; Clados floridus, n. gen., n. sp.; Crambis conclavata, n. gen., n. sp.; Dendrophrya disiuncta, n. sp.; Lana spissa, n. sp.; Linea simplex, n. gen., n. sp.; Radicula ramosa, n. sp.; Reticulum pingue, n. gen., n. sp.; Testulorhiza profundi, n. sp.; Septuma paucisaeptata, n. sp.; Staphylion compactum, n. gen., n. sp.; Tuber proteum, n. gen., n. sp. We have also designated five lectotypes for species previously described and introduced new terms essential for the concise description of komoki and few other abyssal foraminifera. For the rapid identification of the more complex and less known genera we have provided an identification key.