Improved Procedure for Histological Identification of Osteoid Matrix in Decalcified Bone

Several improvements on the original method of Yoshiki and coworkers for histological identification of osteoid matrix in decalcified bone are described. The 1st, fixation of bone with neutral buffered formalin, a popular and stable fixative, should produce better tissue morphology and ensure easy handling in any laboratory. The 2nd is a simple test for aged cyanuric chloride. Aged reagents show poor or no solubility in methanol and have almost no effect on differential staining of osteoid matrix. The 3rd is an application of an organic acid solution in place of neutral EDTA for bone decalcification. Reduced decalcification time with the acid results in rapid preparation of bone sections. Neutral formalin fixation, immersion in the cyanuric chloride solution, decalcification with an organic acid, and hematoxylin and eosin staining, all quite routine laboratory procedures, yield high quality results for identification of osteoid matrix in bone sections.