Comparison of Cardiac Stroke Volume as Determined by Pressure Pulse Contour Method and by a Direct Method Using a Rotameter

Comparison of left heart stroke volume as calculated by the pressure pulse contour method with total right heart output measured by a rotameter in the pulmonary artery shows only fair agreement between the two methods under the conditions of constancy of blood pressure, heart rate and cardiac output obtained in these expts. This agreement is better than might be expected, considering the numerous possible sources of error in the pressure pulse contour technique. The pressure pulse contour method follows directional changes of flow in 55 of 66 pulses with diastolic pressure below 120 mm. Hg. It is noted, however, that the pressure pulse contour method does not seem to apply as well at higher diastolic pressures, calculated flow tending to fall well below measured flow. Reasons for this apparent difference at high diastolic pressures have not been determined.