Electron momentum density in disordered muffin-tinCu1−xNixin the average-t-matrix approximation

In an earlier article we discussed the formalism for evaluating the average electron-momentum density in a random binary alloy by using the average-t-matrix approximation to treat the disorder and muffin-tin potentials to represent the constituent atoms. The present paper considers the application of this formalism to Cu1xNix over a range of alloy compositions. The characteristic effects of disorder on the spectral momentum density ρ(p,E) are delineated. In discussing the momentum density ρ(p) we focus on how this quantity changes as x increases from 0 to 1 and the Ni d band develops from a virtual bound state below the Fermi energy into a transition-metal d band interacting the Fermi energy. Our detailed predictions in this regard should be amenable to experimental verification by two-dimensional positron-annihilation experiments.