The susceptibility of various mosquitos to DDT, dieldrin and BHC has been studied. Adult females were exposed in small tubes lined with filter papers impregnated with insecticide-oil solutions. Larvae were exposed to insecticideacetone suspensions in water.Adult mosquitos tested in London showed no striking differences in susceptibility to DDT, though the median lethal concentration (MLC) of Culex pipiens molestus Forsk. (1·6 per cent.) was greater than the MLC of Aëdes aegypti (L.) (0·9), Anopheles maculipennis var. atroparvusvan Thiel (1·0), or A. quadrimaculatus Say (·7). C. p. molestus and Aë. aegypti showed the same order of susceptibility to dieldrin and BHC, with Anopheles m. atroparvus more susceptible to both insecticides.