A discussion of the value of the synthetic insecticides developed since 1945 as compared to the older DDT and gamma BHC points out the greater value of the older materials. The analogs of DDT such as DDD and methoxychlor are less toxic to vertebrates than is DDT, but are less successful as insecticides. Toxaphane is also less valuable than either DDT or BHC. The diels-alder group of compounds[long dash] chlordane, aldrin, dieldrin and heptachlor[long dash] are fairly efficient as insecticides but are rather toxic to vertebrates and can only be used under special conditions. The organo-phosphorus compounds, such as parathion, are highly toxic to vertebrates as well as to arthropods, but since their toxicity is short-lived and they are quickly absorbed by plants, they are of little use as medical insecticides although effective against plant-parasitic arthropods. Allethrin, among the synthetic pyrethrins, is less toxic as an insecticide than is the natural "pyrethrum" but is more stable in residual films and can be "boosted" through the use of synergists such as sesame oil, and is of considerable promise for the future.