Site of Reaction of Wax Bean Hemagglutinin with Rabbit Erythrocytes.

Mucoproteins known to be inhibitors of viral agglutination inhibited the agglutination of rabbit erythrocytes by the wax bean hemagglutinin (WBH). Pretreatment of red blood cells with influenza virus (PR8) or Newcastle disease virus reduced the susceptibility of such cells to agglutination by WBH. The enzymic release of sialic acid from rabbit serum by a receptor-destorying enzyme prepared from Clostridium perfringens was accompanied by a loss in the inhibitory activity of the serum against WBH agglutination. These and related observations suggest that the site of reaction of WBH with erythrocytes is similar, if not identical, to that of the viral receptor site on the surface of the cell.