Structural similarity between legumin and vicilin storage proteins from legumes.

The primary structures for several members of both the vicilin and legumin families of storage proteins were examined using a computer routine based on amino acid physical characteristics. The comparison algorithm revealed that sequences from the two families could be aligned and share a number of predicted secondary structural features. The COOH‐terminal half of the subunits in both families displayed a highly conserved core region that was largely hydrophobic and in which a high proportion of the residues were predicted to be in beta‐sheet conformations. The central region of the molecules which contained mixed areas of predicted helical and sheet conformations showed more variability in residue selection than the COOH‐terminal regions. The NH2‐terminal segments of subunits from the two different families could not be aligned though they characteristically had a high proportion of residues predicted to be in helical conformations. The feature which most clearly distinguished subunits between the two families was an inserted span in the legumin group with a high proportion of acidic amino acids located between the central and COOH‐terminal domains. Residues in this insertion were predicted to exist mainly in helical conformation. Since considerable size variation occurs in this area amongst the legumin subunits, alterations in this region may have a minimal detrimental effect on the structure of the proteins.