Arsenic anti-site formation by electron irradiation of n-type GaAs

The observation by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) of a new defect in electron-irradiated n-type GaAs gives insight into the formation mechanism of the arsenic anti-site defect. This defect, the complex of an arsenic anti-site defect and an arsenic vacancy on a nearest-neighbour position, AsGaAs3VAs, is formed in the early stage of irradiation. From its introduction rate as well as its formation by electrons with an energy close to the threshold of 250 keV for a single atomic displacement the authors deduce it to be the stable, transformed atomic configuration of the gallium vacancy in n-type GaAs. It is the precursor defect of the isolated anti-site defect AsGaAs4, which is subsequently formed by the trapping of a mobile arsenic interstitial atom.