Samples of coconut meal prepared by solvent extraction were subjected to 90, 105, 130 or 150[degree]. Net protein utilization (NPU), available-lysine content, protein solubility in 6 N-HCl, 0.02 N-NaCl and Lund-Sandstrom fractionation were determined. NPU results showed that nutritive value deteriorated as processing temperature increased. Values for available-lysine content and HCl- soluble protein also decreased with the severity of heat treatment. The other values decreased with severity of heat treatment, except that for residual protein from the Lund-Sandstrom fractionation, which increased. The regression equation between values for NPU and available lysine may be useful in predicting the nutritive value of samples of coconut meal. The equation is y = 10.1 + 10.43x (SD of b = [plus or minus] 4.1), where y = NPU and x = available lysine in g/16 g N.