Lipid alterations following impact spinal cord injury in the rat

A computer-controlled impactor was used to produce a severe spinal cord injury in the rat thoracic spinal cord. Cords were rapidly frozenin situ at 5, 15, 30, and 60 min and 6, 12, and 24 h postinjury. Control cords were noninjured cords from animals having undergone a laminectomy and allowed to recover for 90 min postlaminectomy. The cords were assayed for alterations in lipid metabolism. Specifically, there were rapid increases in prostaglandin F and thromboxane, with a peak increase in thromboxane levels at 30 min. Prostaglandin F levels peaked at 15 min with levels remaining nearly constant for 12 h. There were no detectable changes in phospholipid levels, although diacylglycerol levels and free fatty acid levels were increased. Total free fatty acids were increased at 12 and 24 h postinjury by 2.3- and 3.2-fold over control levels, respectively. Arachidonic acid levels were not significantly elevated at early time points, however, these early time points correspond to elevated eicosanoid synthesis and this may account for the lack of early detectable increases in arachidonic acid. After 6 h postinjury, arachidonic acid levels were 20-fold greater than control levels and remained elevated at 24 h. There were minimal decreases in cholesterol and no decrease in either choline or ethanolamine plasmalogen levels. These results suggest a rapid turnover of arachidonic acid following spinal cord injury with a concomitant increase in vasoconstrictive eicosanoid synthesis. The lack of changes in major membrane constituents suggests the mechanisms may not involve general membrane degradation, but an over-stimulation of phospholipase A2-linked membrane receptors.