Use of AMMI and linear regression models to analyze genotype-environment interaction in durum wheat

The joint durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L var ‘durum’) breeding program of the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT) and the International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA) for the Mediterranean region employs extensive multilocation testing. Multilocation testing produces significant genotype-environment (GE) interaction that reduces the accuracy for estimating yield and selecting appropriate germ plasm. The sum of squares (SS) of GE interaction was partitioned by linear regression techniques into joint, genotypic, and environmental regressions, and by Additive Main effects and the Multiplicative Interactions (AMMI) model into five significant Interaction Principal Component Axes (IPCA). The AMMI model was more effective in partitioning the interaction SS than the linear regression technique. The SS contained in the AMMI model was 6 times higher than the SS for all three regressions. Postdictive assessment recommended the use of the first five IPCA axes, while predictive assessment AMMI1 (main effects plus IPCA1). After elimination of random variation, AMMI1 estimates for genotypic yields within sites were more precise than unadjusted means. This increased precision was equivalent to increasing the number of replications by a factor of 3.7.