Mitotic waves during superficial cleavage and early gastrulation were analyzed quantitatively in Calliphora. Three consecutive patterns are present: (1) a monotonic anterioposterior mitotic gradient during early superficial cleavage; (2) a double mitotic gradient from the anterior and posterior poles during superficial cleavage, especially toward the end of the period; and (3) more complicated patterns with intermediate mitotic centers during the last superficial cleavage division and during early gastrulation. Mitotic gradients are absent in many eggs during early superficial cleavage, but they then become ubiquitous. The gradients are longitudinal; no transverse component was detected before gastrulation. Anterior and posterior gradient patterns are not mirror images of each other; mitotic activity always starts earlier anteriorly. The gradients are accompanied by a pronounced increase in interphase length. The mitotic gradients are compared with the morphogenetic gradients predicted in a current model for pattern specification in insect eggs.