Interspecific hybridization between Brassica juncea and B. spinescens through protoplast fusion

Hypocotyl derived protoplasts of B. juncea cv. RLM-198 were fused with mesophyll protoplasts of B. spinescens using polyethylene glycol to produce interspecific hybrids. Fusion products could be microscopically identified by characteristics of the protoplasts of both parents in the hybrid cells; they are colourless and vacuolated like the hypocotyl protoplasts and possess chloroplasts of the mesophyll protoplasts. The heterokaryotic fusion frequency was around 5%. However, the frequency of calli regenerating hybrid shoots was more than 10% of the regenerating calli. Putative somatic hybrids had morphological features characteristic of both the parents. Twelve plants analysed cytologically, possessed 52 chromosomes (26II) at meiosis representing the complete genomes of B. juncea (18II) and B. spinescens (8II). For esterase isozymes, the hybrids had bands of Doth the parents. Hybrid nature of some of the plants was confirmed by their close resemblance to B. juncea, chromosome number and isozyme bands of B. spinescens as in Rsp-19. Somatic hybrids had rudimentary, non-dehiscent anthers and completely sterile pollen. However, on back crossing with B. juncea, 10 out of 12 plants produced seeds and about 100 plants were realized.