Thermodynamics of ferrimagnetic Ising chains

The exact solutions of the so-called ferrimagnetic Ising chain made up of two sublattices (S0,S1) are derived from a transfer matrix method. The short-range ferrimagnetic order occurs when considering different spins and/or different Landé factors on both sublattices. Most of the physical features of interest are shown to be involved in the S0=S1=1 system including an alternation of Landé factors (g0,g1) and local anisotropies (K0,K1). Thus, in the limit K0→∞ stabilizing a Kramers doublet, Sz=±1, on even sites, the system behaves like the ferrimagnetic chain (S0=1/2, S1=1). The susceptibility and magnetization curves are discussed in various situations as a function of the significant parameters.