Transverse Shear Along Myocardial Cleavage Planes Provides a Mechanism for Normal Systolic Wall Thickening

Recent studies in humans and other species show that there is substantial transverse shear strain in the left ventricular myocardium, and others have shown transverse myocardial laminae separated by cleavage planes. We proposed that cellular rearrangement based on shearing along myocardial cleavage planes could account for >50% of normal systolic wall thickening, since 23) was positive (0.14±0.08). At the septal sites where the subendocardial cleavage planes approach the endocardium obliquely from above the surface normal (44±12°), E23 was negative (−0.12±0.08). The differences in cleavage-plane angle and E23 at the two sites were each highly significant (P<.0005). At both sites, the transverse shear strain accompanied substantial systolic wall thickening at the subendocardium (anterior, E33=0.44±0.16; septum, E33=0.22±0.14). These data are not representative of the behavior in midwall and outer wall sites, where cleavage-plane orientation was not consistently different between anterior left ventricle and septum. Our data indicate that rearrangement of myocytes by slippage along myocardial cleavage planes is in the correct direction and of sufficient magnitude in the subendocardium (inner third) to account for a substantial proportion (>50%) of systolic wall thickening. Furthermore, three-dimensional reconstruction of the myocardial laminae and local comparison with maximum strain vectors indicate that for the inner third of the ventricular wall the maximum shear deformation is a result of relative sliding between myocardial laminae.