Mapping of sequenced genes (700 kbp) in the restriction map of the Escherichia coli chromosome

This paper describes software (written in Pascal and running on Macintosh computers) allowing localization of unknown DNA fragments from the Escherichia coli chromosome on the restriction map established by Kohara et al. (1987). The program identifies the segment''s map position using a restriction pattern analysis obtained with all, or some, of the eight enzymes used by Kohara et al. (1987). Therefore, the sequenced genes available in the EMBL library may be localized on the E. coli chromosome restriction map. This allowed correction of the map (mainly by introducing missing sites in the published maps) at the corresponding positions. Analysis of the data indicates that there is only a very low level of polymorphism, at the nucleotide level, between the E. coli K12 strains used by the various laboratories involved in DNA sequencing. The program is versatile enough to be used with other genomes.