Optical Heterodyne Polarimeter for Studying Space-and Time-dependent State of Polarization of Light

This paper describes an optical heterodyne polarimeter with a photodetector array by which the space- and time-dependent state of polarization (SOP) of light can be determined. Since no optical components for polarization control are used, the time response of the polarimeter is free from such components, but is basically limited to the frequency bandwidth of the photodetector array used. The signal and local oscillator beams are coherently photomixed to generate a beat photocurrent at every pixel of the photodetector array. The orthogonal linearly polarized two-frequency components of the local oscillator beam are superimposed with their respective counterpart orthogonally decomposed components of the elliptically polarized signal beam. The generated beat-photocurrent offers the significant physical parameters required for the determination of the space- and time-dependent SOP. The performance principle of the polarimeter is explained and confirmed experimentally.