The effect of the hypoferremic response on iron acquisition by and growth of murine lymphoma cells

The hypoferremic response in C57 black mice during EL4 lymphoma cell growth was followed to determine if a lowered transferrin iron saturation inhibited iron acquisition and growth by these tumor cells. Although the lymphoma induced a strong hypoferremic response, it occurred late in the disease when the tumor burden was high and did not appear to effectively limit tumor cell growth, as all mice subsequently died. The induction of a hypoferremic response early in the disease with subcutaneous injections of turpentine also did not inhibit tumor cell growth. Parallel in vitro cell growth experiments revealed iron to be readily available to the lymphoma cells, regardless of whether the transferrin pool was 100, 50, or 10% saturated with iron. The dynamics of 59Fe uptake by the lymphoma cells from 50% saturated ferritransferrin were followed and saturation of iron uptake was found to occur at 150 nM iron and transferrin, far below physiological levels. Lowering transferrin saturation from 50 to 10% did not result in a proportional decrease in 59Fe uptake. Thus the ability of the EL4 tumor cells to obtain iron appeared to exceed the ability of a vigorous murine hypoferremic response to sequester it, suggesting that the hypoferremic response does not effectively limit EL4 ascites tumor cell growth.