Stimulation of cytolytic T cells by isolated viral peptides and HN protein coupled to agarose beads

Sendai virus-infected mouse cells can be lysed by mouse cytolytic thymus-dependent lymphocytes (CTL) directed specifically against the infected cells. The CTL is known to recognise the H–2 antigens on the target cells together with structure(s) including at least the two viral surface glycoproteins also found on purified virus1–8. We report here that anti-Sendai CTL can be stimulated in vitro by detergent-solubilised viral haemagglutinin-neuraminidase (HN)9, either as the isolated protein or coupled to agarose beads. We further show stimulation by the hydrophilic portion of a protein removed from the virus by the protease subtilisin BPN′, and we demonstrate that cyanogen bromide- (CNBr-) cleaved viral peptides also produce such stimulation.