Über einige Beobachtungen an Solenogastres (Mollusca, Aculifera)

Observations have been made especially on locomotion and respiration of representatives of the class Solenogastres (formerly Aplacophora — Neomeniida), obtained ncar Bergen. It is stated that all animals of the seven species found move along the surface of a mucus thread by means of ciliary activity in the ventral groove. Muscular activity plays no part and the gliding movement on the substrate resembles that of turbeltarians and nemertines very closely. It is thought that most Solenogastres possess sensory bristles on the border of the buccal opening, as they were observed on individuals of five species. Respiration takes place by means of ciliary movement either all the secondary pallial folds or on the pallial epithelium itself, and the heart activity in one specimen observed has a rate of 37 beats per minute.