THE anti-thyroid drugs have been utilized in the study of the metabolism of iodide by the thyroid and in the treatment of thyroid disease since 1943, yet the precise mode and site of action of these drugs remain unknown. The mechanism for the formation of protein-bound iodine in the trryroid is unknown. It is current biochemical practice in evaluating a metabolic process to study the action of an inhibitor on this metabolic process. Since the anti-thyroid drugs inhibit the formation of proteinbound iodine in the thyroid, knowledge concerning their mode and site of action may help in defining the mechanism involved in the iodination process in the thyroid. For a review of the literature on the anti-thyroid drugs, the reader is referred to several comprehensive articles (1, 2, 3, 4). It is the purpose of this study to determine: 1) the effect of a single dose of thiourea and thiouracil on the formation of protein-bound