Invited Lecture. Smectic A polymorphism from low to high molar mass systems

The polymorphism of smectic A phases in low molecular weight (L.M.W.) liquid crystals is associated with strong anomalies in the period defining the layers. The smectic A phases of liquid-crystalline comb-like polymers also have various modes of spacing. However, the behaviour of these polymer phases shows some peculiarities compared with L.M.W. compounds, especially due to the main chain which takes part in the smectic arrangement. To specify further the SA polymorphism in high molar mass systems, the use of side chain polymers with partial fixation appears to be very promising: either taking advantage of better compatibility and lower viscosity in order to describe binary diagrams with L.M.W. mesogens, or through the partial insertions of long polar side groups known to generate anomalies of periodicity as for L.M.W. compounds.