Does one gene determine whether a C57BL/6J‐YPOS mouse will develop as a female or as an hermaphrodite?

Two studies were conducted to further our understanding of the inherited condition in mice known as C57BL/6J-YPOS (B6-YPOS) sex reversal. One study determined what proportion of B6 XYPOS mice develop as females or hermaphrodites. We found that 75% develop as females and the remainder develop as hermaphrodites regardless of whether the analysis is conducted at 14.5–16 days of embryonic development (based on gonad phenotype) or at weaning (based on the appearance of external genitalia and presence of mammary-associated yellow pigmented hair). We also found that 75 % of the gonads in B6 XYPOS mice develop as ovaries and the remainder develop as ovotestes; none develop as a testis. We conclude that if any testicular tissue develops, sufficient testosterone is produced to cause at least some masculinization of the external genitalia. The second study tested the hypothesis that development of testicular tissue in B6 XYPOS mice is due to the presence of a POS-derived gene, whereas B6 homozygosity of this gene guarantees ovarian development. The results did not support the POS gene theory. Therefore, we conclude it is a matter of chance that 75 % of B6 XYPOS mice develop as females and 25 % develop as hermaphrodites. J. Exp. Zool. 290:322–326, 2001.