The fatty acid pattern of triglycerides in liver, adipose tissue and serum of diabetics with hyperlipoproteinemia before and during clofibrate treatment

In 20 diabetic inpatients with type IIb, III, IV and V hyperlipoproteinemia (HPL) the triglyceride fatty acid pattern (TFAP) of serum, adipose tissue and liver biopsy specimens before and after one year of clofibrate treatment has been determined by gas-liquid chromatography. Compared to previous results which revealed a correlation between fat droplet size and the TFAP in liver parenchyma cells, remarkable changes were observed after long-term therapy. Inadipose tissue, only linoleic acid increased significantly from 8.6 to 11.3%. Inserum, myristic and palmitic acid decreased, whereas linoleic, eicosatetraenoic (arachidonic) and eicosapentaenoic acid rose significantly. Inliver fat, palmitic acid decreased, whereas linoleic, eicosatrienoic, arachidonic and eicosapentaenoic acid significantly increased. After clofibrate therapy, the TFAP in diabetic subjects with HLP became similar to that of diabetics without HLP. The most pronounced changes were found in the liver, serum having an intermediate position between liver and adipose tissue. The pathophysiological relevance in view of possible relations to prostaglandins has been discussed.