Further evidence that aberrant segragation and crossing over in sordaria brevicollis may be discrete, though associated, events

Crosses were made between buff spore colour mutants in Sordaria brevicollis in the presence of flanking markers. Recombinant asci with one or more wild-type spores were isolated and the spores germinated and scored for buff and flanking marker genotype. The buff genotype was determined by back-crossing to each parent and looking for recombinants. It was found that the majority of the recombinant asci had aberrant segregation at one or other mutant site but not both. It was inferred that in the recombinants hybrid DNA rarely extended to both sites. When the aberrant segregation was associated with crossing-over, the crossovers were situated at either end of the gene rather than between the allelic sites where the hybrid DNA was believed to terminate. Thus, some of the crossovers were separated from the site of the aberrant segregation by a site apparently not involved in hybrid DNA and none was in the position predicted by the Meselson-Radding model, that is, where the hybrid DNA terminates.