High-energy calculation ofK-shell ejection cross sections as a function of projectile charge

We present a high-energy calculation of the K -shell ejection cross section σ(Zp) as a function of projectile charge Zp. Charge-transfer effects are not included. The wave function for the heavy projectile is written as eik0RF(in,1,ike|Rr|ike(Rr))Γ(1+in)enπ2, as opposed to the Glauber approximation eik0Rexp(inZdZ|Rr|1). These two approximations agree at large distances but differ as the electron and projectile approach closely to each other. A prediction is made that if Tm (the maximum classical energy an electron at rest may receive) is much greater than IK then r12 will be less than unity. Here r12=σ(Z1)Z22σ(Z2)Z12, Z1>Z2. Higher-energy experiments are needed to confirm this theoretical result.